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Refresh and Renew: Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Home

The flowers are blooming, leaves are covering tree branches once again, and your home… well, it could probably use a little spring cleaning. After months of winter hibernation, putting a springtime sheen on your home can feel a bit overwhelming. 


Thankfully, spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore that devours your entire weekend. Here are some tips to make spring cleaning your Crosswinds home easy and painless.


Declutter First


Before you pull out the mop and furniture polish, work on getting rid of all that “stuff” that’s been piling up since last December. This will help you to see better those neglected areas that really need a thorough cleaning, and it will also help to free up storage space. 


Separate stuff into three piles: keep, donate, and trash. Don’t be afraid to be honest with yourself. If it’s something that you haven’t used in years, then pass it on to somebody else in the donate pile or chuck it in the garbage if it’s not worth salvaging. 


Get the Kids Involved


If you have kids in the house, then you know they’re responsible for their share of the dirt and grime that finds its way into your home. Bring the kids in on the cleaning action – just be sure that you assign them tasks that they’re capable of handling. 


Small kids often enjoy helping and are great with sorting old clothes and toys or wiping down tables and chairs. If you have older children, you may want to assign them a certain room to clean and incentivize them with a trip to the ice cream parlor after the chores are finished. 


Work Room to Room


There are two ways of looking at how to organize the spring cleaning – prioritize the rooms that get the most use, or prioritize those rooms that are the messiest. Whichever way you choose, tackling one room at a time will help with efficiency. 


If you aim for those rooms that get a lot of use (the bedrooms, bathrooms, living room), then start with things like washing the linens and blankets or scrubbing the toilet before moving on to areas like cleaning the baseboards or tub. 


If your goal is to finally tackle those messy areas like a cluttered garage or attic in chaos, then reread the declutter section above and good luck!


Don’t Forget the Little Stuff


Spring cleaning is the perfect time to focus on those areas of the home that may not get cleaned as often as other spots. A few tasks that you may want to prioritize include: 


  • Dusting ceiling fans
  • Shampoo rugs
  • Reseal grout lines in tubs or countertops
  • Spot clean upholstered furnishings
  • Polish wooden furniture like bookshelves and dining tables
  • Wash window screens
  • Dust light fixtures
  • Defrost the freezer


Keep Everything Organized


Once you’ve checked off everything on your spring cleaning list, some simple organization will help keep clutter down and make routine cleaning that much easier. Utilizing hooks, baskets, and containers can tame even the most out-of-control pantry, and flat storage bins that can slide under beds will free up closet space. 

If at the top of your spring to-do list is to find your dream home, then check out the available inventory of homes in the master-planned Crosswinds community and reach out to us today.

Blog Lifestyle Tips

Tips for a Pet-Friendly Neighborhood

People love their pets. Around 62% of American households own a pet, and every pet owner wants to feel like they live in a neighborhood that is welcoming to pets. So, what does a pet-friendly neighborhood look like?


In short, it’s a neighborhood where pet owners are respectful of each other and their four-legged companions. Here are a few tips on how to create a pet-friendly community. 


Clean Up After Pets


Cleaning up after yourself is a pillar of being a good citizen, and this extends to being a good pet owner as well. When taking your dog out for a walk, be sure to bring along a few poop bags to clean up after your pooch uses the bathroom. Don’t leave the baggie on the sidewalk – always throw it away in a trash can. 


Use a Leash During Walks


Your dog may love to run free, but running free throughout the neighborhood is a recipe for disaster. Your pet could get hit by a car, get lost, frighten a small child, or get into a fight with another dog that may feel the need to protect its owner. 


Even if your dog wouldn’t hurt a fly, keeping your dog on a leash during walks shows that you prioritize your pet’s safety and respect the boundaries of your neighbors. 


Utilize Pet-Friendly Amenities


In addition to several trails that are great for leashed walks with your pet, Crosswinds has a dog park that residents are encouraged to take advantage of. The dog park gives pups a chance to burn off some energy and meet the other dogs in their community. Just be sure to follow dog park etiquette with your pup, such as cleaning up after them and monitoring any rough behavior. 


Be Considerate of Neighbors


While many people love pets, some people just aren’t pet people – and that’s okay. A pet-friendly neighborhood is one where pet owners are respectful of their neighbors. This means taking steps to correct unflattering behaviors like excessive barking and ensuring that your pet doesn’t infringe on the property of other residents. While your pup may love to dig in the dirt, digging up flowerbeds likely won’t endear them to the neighbors.


Keep Your Pet Safe


One of the best things a pet owner can do to create a pet-friendly neighborhood is to take the proper steps to ensure their pet’s safety. This includes things like making sure your pet (both cats and dogs) has a collar with their owner’s contact information and is vaccinated and microchipped. 


Pet owners should also know their pet’s limitations and take those into consideration during walks or at the dog park. Dogs that are in heat should never be taken to the dog park, and older dogs or pets that have an aggressive streak should be closely monitored by their owners. 

One of the best ways to ensure a pet-friendly neighborhood is to simply talk with other pet owners in your community. Crosswinds was designed to encourage neighbors to gather and get to know one another and has many amenities that appeal to pet owners. Reach out to us to learn more.