Blog Lifestyle Tips

Sweet Dreams: Tips for Better Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for both our body’s physical and mental health. Here are a few tips to keep in mind that will help you get more Zzzzs when you hit the sack. 


Establish a Sleep Schedule 


Establishing a schedule that will better help you get a consistent number of hours of sleep each night is key. In the same way, a routine is beneficial for exercise; a sleep routine will improve the quality of your sleep and better maintain the benefits of sleep. 


A few things to keep in mind when establishing a sleep schedule:


  • Set a specific “lights out” time
  • Avoid afternoon naps as these can throw off going to sleep at the same time each night 


Create a Bedtime Ritual


In order to be ready to actually go to sleep each night at a specific time and not find yourself staring wide-eyed at the ceiling when you do turn off the light, a relaxing bedtime ritual can make all the difference. 


A warm bath or shower can help your body relax, but you may also want to do some light stretching or practice some breathing exercises. This will help send the signal to both your brain and body that the day is done, and now it’s time to sleep. 


And as simple as it might seem, brushing your teeth also sends a signal to your body that it’s time to rest.


Create a Peaceful Sleep Environment


Sure you may be able to sleep through a passing freight train, but that doesn’t mean it’s beneficial to healthy sleep. Noise can easily disrupt the sleep cycle, so you’ll want to do your best to block out any outside noise. Using earplugs or a white noise machine can be very helpful with this.


Other elements for a peaceful sleep environment should include:


  • A comfortable and cool temperature
  • A comfortable mattress and pillow
  • A dark room. You may want to use blackout curtains or a sleep mask.


Limit Screen Time


It’s a good idea to kill screen time at least an hour before you turn out the light. Blue screen light disrupts the release of melatonin (your body’s natural sleepytime hormone) and can make falling asleep difficult. So, get in the habit of establishing an electronics curfew.


Some people can read books (the traditional kind, not on a tablet) before bed, but others may find that even this is too much brain stimulation. Figure out what works best for you and stick to it. 


Be Mindful of What You Eat and Drink


It’s not only important that we limit our brain stimulation before sleep, but our physical stimulation as well. You may want to avoid strenuous exercises for several hours before going to bed, as this can “wake up” muscle groups. It’s also a good idea to abstain from any sort of stimulant, such as nicotine, sugar, or caffeine, four to five hours before bed. 


Alcohol and spicy foods can also disrupt sleep patterns, so if you plan on enjoying a few margaritas and tacos, do so several hours before bedtime. 

A comfortable bedroom in a home you love can make all the difference when it comes to a good night’s rest. If you’re looking for the perfect home, reach out to the Crosswinds team to learn more about our available inventory of homes.

Blog Homeowner Tips Tips

Tidy Up After the Holidays: Tips For Holiday Storage

With the holiday season and another year in the rearview, you might find yourself looking around the house and feeling that some decluttering is needed. Hey, no shame here! It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the season, only to find yourself knee-deep in shipping boxes, decorations, and general wintertime clutter come January. 


Here are a few tips to help you tidy up after the holidays and get your home back in order. 


Wrap Up Your Christmas Tree


Decorating the Christmas tree is a lot of fun and often a memorable way for families to come together. When it comes to undecorating it though, don’t be surprised if there’s a lack of zeal among your household. 


A super simple way to make putting the Christmas tree away a breeze is to just wrap it up. Christmas tree covers allow you to simply throw a specially fitted tarp over your tree, lights and all and put it away for storage. An even cheaper way that reportedly works just as well is wrapping it in saran wrap. If you have fragile ornaments, it’s advised to first remove those. 


Smart Storage


When it comes to storing holiday decorations, how you go about it makes all the difference. Fragile tree ornaments can be especially tricky to store. A great way to keep them safe is to buy a large plastic storage bin and store each ornament in its own plastic cup or container for extra protection. Just be sure not to overpack the bin. 


Nobody likes untangling a ball of Christmas lights that were haphazardly put away the previous year, so store them smartly. Wrap the smaller lights around tightly rolled-up newspapers, and for the larger jumbo lights, take a few stiff pieces of cardboard and cut out a slot on each end to make a spool. 


Combine and Reorganize


If you are the sort of person who likes to have certain decorations in the same spot year after year, then this is one tip you’ll certainly want to utilize. Consider grouping your decorations by room. 


What we mean by that is when you put each of your decorations away in storage, don’t simply label the box “Xmas lights” or “holiday table runners”; also label them by room. “Christmas knick-knacks – living room” or “holiday towels, upstairs guest bath” will help make things easy to find and streamline putting those decorations back on display when the holiday season rolls around again. 




Some holiday decorations are treasured keepsakes that get passed down through generations. Others, however, are lucky if they survive two Christmases. Doing a little bit of decluttering as you put away the decorations will help free up storage space and… (bonus) give you a reason to buy new decorations next year!


Assess each decoration for what you want to keep, what is trash, and what is still in decent condition, but you’d rather not hold onto it and donate instead. 

Celebrating the holidays in a home you love makes the season and new year all the more special. If you’re looking to find a new home you can make your own, reach out to the Crosswinds team today.

Blog Homeowner Tips Lifestyle

Summer Survival Guide: Hacks to Stay Chill and Save Energy

We’re nearing the dog days of summer, which means it’s hot out. Not that it hasn’t been hot for the past six weeks already, but at this point, Central Texas might as well be on the sun. 


Don’t sweat it, though; finding ways to keep cool without adding zeros to the energy bill just takes a little strategy. 


Thermostat and Energy Efficiency


There’s no getting around not using your air conditioner in Texas, but aim to set it as high as you can and still feel relatively comfortable during the hottest hours of the day (2 to 5 PM). Increasing the inside temperature of your home by just 1oF in the summer months can lower your energy bill by as much as 10 percent. 


Another thing to consider if you’re in the market for a new appliance in the summer is buying one with a good energy star rating. This will also help lower your summer utility bills.


Garage Hacks


Garages can trap a lot of heat during the summer. One way of removing some of that heat is installing some ventilation in your garage’s ceiling (remember, hot air rises). If your garage has windows, consider adding a reflective material to help radiate the sun’s rays outward rather than inward. 


Another simple trick is to wait a few hours before putting your car back in the garage after returning home. A car’s engine can hold onto heat for a long time, and taking your vehicle straight into the garage will only bring that heat with it. 


Outdoors and Watering


If you spend any time at all out on the porch or deck during the summer and it’s not covered, buying an umbrella for shade is paramount. 


And when it comes to watering your grass or flower beds, do this either in the morning or in the evening just before sunset. This will help to reduce the amount of water that is evaporated by the hot sun. It’s also a good idea to water plants at the base, rather than watering them directly on their leaves or flowers. 


Keep Things Cool Inside


One of the biggest challenges is keeping the inside of the home cool, but there are lots of small things homeowners can do that make a big difference. 


  • Close your blinds on the side of the house that gets the most sunlight
  • Adjust ceiling fans to ensure they are pushing cool air downward (counter-clockwise)
  • Close doors of rooms that aren’t in use. This helps trap cool air in the room
  • If you’re still using incandescent light bulbs, switch to LED, as they give off less heat
  • Buy a cooling pillow or mattress topper
  • Seal off any window cracks that might be letting cool air out and hot air in


One of the best things about the homes within the Crosswinds community is that they were all constructed by the industry’s leading home builders, using the best building materials and construction practices. This means a cooler home in the summer and a warmer home in the winter. 

If you’d like to find your dream home in the Crosswinds community, reach out to us today.

Blog Design Homeowner Tips Tips

Refresh and Renew: Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Home

The flowers are blooming, leaves are covering tree branches once again, and your home… well, it could probably use a little spring cleaning. After months of winter hibernation, putting a springtime sheen on your home can feel a bit overwhelming. 


Thankfully, spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore that devours your entire weekend. Here are some tips to make spring cleaning your Crosswinds home easy and painless.


Declutter First


Before you pull out the mop and furniture polish, work on getting rid of all that “stuff” that’s been piling up since last December. This will help you to see better those neglected areas that really need a thorough cleaning, and it will also help to free up storage space. 


Separate stuff into three piles: keep, donate, and trash. Don’t be afraid to be honest with yourself. If it’s something that you haven’t used in years, then pass it on to somebody else in the donate pile or chuck it in the garbage if it’s not worth salvaging. 


Get the Kids Involved


If you have kids in the house, then you know they’re responsible for their share of the dirt and grime that finds its way into your home. Bring the kids in on the cleaning action – just be sure that you assign them tasks that they’re capable of handling. 


Small kids often enjoy helping and are great with sorting old clothes and toys or wiping down tables and chairs. If you have older children, you may want to assign them a certain room to clean and incentivize them with a trip to the ice cream parlor after the chores are finished. 


Work Room to Room


There are two ways of looking at how to organize the spring cleaning – prioritize the rooms that get the most use, or prioritize those rooms that are the messiest. Whichever way you choose, tackling one room at a time will help with efficiency. 


If you aim for those rooms that get a lot of use (the bedrooms, bathrooms, living room), then start with things like washing the linens and blankets or scrubbing the toilet before moving on to areas like cleaning the baseboards or tub. 


If your goal is to finally tackle those messy areas like a cluttered garage or attic in chaos, then reread the declutter section above and good luck!


Don’t Forget the Little Stuff


Spring cleaning is the perfect time to focus on those areas of the home that may not get cleaned as often as other spots. A few tasks that you may want to prioritize include: 


  • Dusting ceiling fans
  • Shampoo rugs
  • Reseal grout lines in tubs or countertops
  • Spot clean upholstered furnishings
  • Polish wooden furniture like bookshelves and dining tables
  • Wash window screens
  • Dust light fixtures
  • Defrost the freezer


Keep Everything Organized


Once you’ve checked off everything on your spring cleaning list, some simple organization will help keep clutter down and make routine cleaning that much easier. Utilizing hooks, baskets, and containers can tame even the most out-of-control pantry, and flat storage bins that can slide under beds will free up closet space. 

If at the top of your spring to-do list is to find your dream home, then check out the available inventory of homes in the master-planned Crosswinds community and reach out to us today.

Blog Lifestyle Tips

Tips for a Pet-Friendly Neighborhood

People love their pets. Around 62% of American households own a pet, and every pet owner wants to feel like they live in a neighborhood that is welcoming to pets. So, what does a pet-friendly neighborhood look like?


In short, it’s a neighborhood where pet owners are respectful of each other and their four-legged companions. Here are a few tips on how to create a pet-friendly community. 


Clean Up After Pets


Cleaning up after yourself is a pillar of being a good citizen, and this extends to being a good pet owner as well. When taking your dog out for a walk, be sure to bring along a few poop bags to clean up after your pooch uses the bathroom. Don’t leave the baggie on the sidewalk – always throw it away in a trash can. 


Use a Leash During Walks


Your dog may love to run free, but running free throughout the neighborhood is a recipe for disaster. Your pet could get hit by a car, get lost, frighten a small child, or get into a fight with another dog that may feel the need to protect its owner. 


Even if your dog wouldn’t hurt a fly, keeping your dog on a leash during walks shows that you prioritize your pet’s safety and respect the boundaries of your neighbors. 


Utilize Pet-Friendly Amenities


In addition to several trails that are great for leashed walks with your pet, Crosswinds has a dog park that residents are encouraged to take advantage of. The dog park gives pups a chance to burn off some energy and meet the other dogs in their community. Just be sure to follow dog park etiquette with your pup, such as cleaning up after them and monitoring any rough behavior. 


Be Considerate of Neighbors


While many people love pets, some people just aren’t pet people – and that’s okay. A pet-friendly neighborhood is one where pet owners are respectful of their neighbors. This means taking steps to correct unflattering behaviors like excessive barking and ensuring that your pet doesn’t infringe on the property of other residents. While your pup may love to dig in the dirt, digging up flowerbeds likely won’t endear them to the neighbors.


Keep Your Pet Safe


One of the best things a pet owner can do to create a pet-friendly neighborhood is to take the proper steps to ensure their pet’s safety. This includes things like making sure your pet (both cats and dogs) has a collar with their owner’s contact information and is vaccinated and microchipped. 


Pet owners should also know their pet’s limitations and take those into consideration during walks or at the dog park. Dogs that are in heat should never be taken to the dog park, and older dogs or pets that have an aggressive streak should be closely monitored by their owners. 

One of the best ways to ensure a pet-friendly neighborhood is to simply talk with other pet owners in your community. Crosswinds was designed to encourage neighbors to gather and get to know one another and has many amenities that appeal to pet owners. Reach out to us to learn more.