


Area Attractions

Tech-Free Family Time: Unplugged Activities for Quality Bonding

Technology has worked its way into nearly every facet of our lives, from careers to school and entertainment. Too much screen time, however, can lead to a disconnect among family members.   Thankfully, regularly unplugging to spend time together can help to strengthen family bonds. Here are a few wi-fi-free

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The Art of Hosting: Tips for Stress-Free Holiday Entertaining

Everyone loves a good holiday party. If you are the one hosting the event, as much enjoyment as it can be to welcome friends and family into your home, putting together the endeavor can also be stressful.    From the invites to the cooking (or catering), here’s a game plan

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Childproofing Your Home

You can never be too careful when it comes to small children in a home designed for adults. This is not to imply that your home is a death trap, but let’s face it: Babies and toddlers simply aren’t equipped to deal with things like heavy cabinet doors, fireplaces, and

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Area Attractions

Fall Fitness

Adding exercise to your routine has incredible benefits. It reduces risks for various health issues. It makes us feel better. It maintains weight and helps to boost energy.   Of course, the Texas summer heat can really zap energy fast, and the winter weather can limit the number of outdoor

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Tips for a Pet-Friendly Neighborhood

People love their pets. Around 62% of American households own a pet, and every pet owner wants to feel like they live in a neighborhood that is welcoming to pets. So, what does a pet-friendly neighborhood look like?   In short, it’s a neighborhood where pet owners are respectful of

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Thanksgiving Leftover Ideas

Thanksgiving is, without a doubt, the most delicious day of the year. Turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie, green beans, cranberry sauce, and, of course, the potatoes, it’s a feast in every sense of the word. After the turkey is carved, dinner is finished, and belts are loosened, what’s often left is

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