
Hays CISD Bond

On February 2, 2020, Hays CISD Board of Trustees has issued an election order calling for a bond election in May that will impact the Hays Consolidated Independent School District. Hays CISD consists of 25 campuses serving more than 20,000 over 221 square miles. Students living in Kyle, Buda, San Marcos, and surrounding communities attend schools in Hays CISD.

Here’s what you need to know about the bond proposal.


The 2020 bond proposal, worth $217.3 million, contains the following propositions:

  • A: Accommodating school district growth
  • B: Maintaining district assets
  • C: Expand stadiums at two high schools
  • D: Improvements to the stadium as well as baseball and softball complex
  • E: Constructing a new administration building and renovating central office
  • F: Add storage to the district network and add mobile devices for teaching, learning, and assessments

Proposition A has the highest price tag as it calls for expanding all six middle schools, building a new elementary school, and renovating and expanding Live Oak Academy.

The only proposition not receiving a unanimous vote from the Board of Trustees is Proposition C. Its purpose is to increase the capacity at two stadiums with an estimated cost of $12 million. Community Impact Newspaper reports one of the trustees felt it was too much to ask of taxpayers.

The Board of Trustees says that any unspent funds from the projects in the proposal will go toward paying down debt.


The last bond package is from 2017, which provides $250 million to build two elementary schools and a high school, increase career and technology education, complete maintenance projects, and develop a transportation facility. View the 2017 Bond Progress Chart to see the current status.

The bond package in 2014 consists of building one middle school, improving the technology infrastructure, making security upgrades, improving telecommunications, transportation, and CTE, and upgrading mechanical systems. The bond is 92 percent complete. The only items remaining are security, telecommunications, and technology upgrades.


Here’s an interactive Hays CISD Election Map that lists early voting and election day voting locations. Also, up in the May election are three Hays CISD board seats. If you’re a Hays CSID resident, be sure to vote. Want to send your kids to the growing and thriving Hays CISD? Here are new homes in Kyle.

Learn more about Hays CISD and living in Kyle by connecting with Crosswinds on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.